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Didor Marodaseinov

Didor Marodaseynov holds an undergraduate degree in Linguistics and English Language Pedagogics from Khorog State University. Before joining UCA, Marodaseynov worked as a Coordinator at American Space Khorog.
Since 2016, Marodaseynov has facilitated and coordinated social and educational activities for youth in Khorog through the Public Organization, Marifat. In 2017, the U.S Embassy in Dushanbe nominated Marodaseynov as a delegate member of Tajikistan Everest International Model of United Nations in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Marodaseynov is a former president of the American Space Khorog Debate Club and AKHP National Debate Trainer. For the last three years, he has been engaged in organizing and leading debate training and tournaments for American Space Khorog and the Aga Khan Humanities Project.