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Strengthening Climate Resilience and Public Health Through Regional Collaboration

UCA Researcher Honoured with Collective Coin by National Bank of Kyrgyzstan

UCA Partners with StrategEast to Strengthen Computer Science Education and Innovation

UCA and EPAM Systems Partner to Boost IT Education and Innovation

Prince Rahim Al-Hussaini Aga Khan V

His Late Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, 1936-2025

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Darika U Article 2
For Alumni Speak (4)
For Alumni Speak (2)
Khonum Vafodorova Photo
For Alumni Speak (5)
Shahnoza Dodikhudoeva CS 2023
Suyuna Dadybaeva
For Alumni Speak (1)
Untitled Design (22)

Alumni Spotlight

The University of Central Asia (UCA) graduate Darika Urgazieva recently shared her inspiring journey in an interview with She reflected on her transformative experience at UCA, emphasising how the university equipped her with the skills and confidence to excel professionally and contribute meaningfully to her community. 

Meet Darika

Alumni Speak

"The most valuable thing UCA has given me is an understanding of what I truly enjoy doing in life. Majoring in Computer Science taught me the most essential skill of our era, in my view—the ability to learn quickly, which is key to succeeding in various fields."

Aydana Kubatova, Computer Science, Alumna,  Class of 2024

Alumni Speak

“UCA provided the perfect environment to explore my passions in Communications and Media, hone my skills, and make a lasting impact. UCA isn’t just a place to study — it’s a place to thrive and discover your potential”

Rustam Pallaev, Communications and Media, Alumnus, Class of 2024

Alumni Speak

"UCA gave me an incredible opportunity to receive a high-quality education from leading professionals without having to leave my country. One of the most memorable experiences was my exchange semester in Norway, where I studied Business Administration."

Khonum Vafodorova, Global Economics, Alumna, Class of 2023

Alumni Speak

"I cherish every moment spent at my alma mater, surrounded by people from across Central Asia. Balancing research, gaining hands-on work experience, participating in national sports tournaments, organising student clubs, volunteering, and attending hackathons—all while studying Communications and Media—was only possible at UCA. It’s truly an exceptional place to experience student life."

Assylbek Assylkhanov, Communications and Media, Alumnus, Class of 2023


Alumni Speak

“As a Computer Science graduate from my university, I had the opportunity to explore a wide range of fields within the discipline, from software engineering to network systems. My passion for Data Science was sparked by courses in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, which provided a solid foundation for my future master’s studies and professional work.”

Shahnoza Dodikhudoeva, Computer Science, Alumna, Class of 2023

Alumni Speak

"The depth of UCA's academic programme has equipped me with skills necessary to succeed at the graduate school, whereas heavy focus on Central Asia and its development focus has brought forth the clarity to my professional plans and aspirations. Above all, UCA has given me life-long friends and wonderful mentors I cherish greatly."

Suyuna Dadybaeva, Communications and Media, Alumna, Class of 2021

Alumni Speak

“My dynamic undergraduate studies have equipped me with the versatility to pursue a Master's degree in Urban Management, building on my background in Environmental Sciences.”

Hangoma Kokulova, Earth and Environmental Science, Alumna, Class of 2022

Alumni Speak

“The people at UCA—especially the faculty—make it an excellent environment for developing key skills and capabilities essential to understanding the behaviour of economic agents. Above all, the programme taught me to think critically and ask important questions."

Safdar Jan, Global Economics, Alumnus, Class of 2021

Alumni Speak

“UCA taught us how to be compassionate and responsible, not only to yourself and your families, but towards your community and the world. My faculty, student life team and classmates have left a huge impact on my life, and these five years have certainly shifted my perspective of the future.”

Munira Malakbozova, Global Economics, Alumna, Class of 2021

A Development University

UCA Convocation 16062023 UCA 7848 0019

The University of Central Asia (UCA) was founded in 2000 as a private, not for profit, secular university through an International Treaty signed by the Presidents of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, and His Late Highness the Aga Khan IV; ratified by their respective parliaments, and registered with the United Nations.

Featured Publication

4 September 2024

How Has Kyrgyzstan’s Civil Society Been Studied? Systematic Literature Review

Как изучалось гражданское общество Кыргызстана? Систематический обзор литературы В данной работе рассматривается, как международное научное сообщество изучало гражданское общество Кыргызстана на протяжении более двух десятилетий.
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