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Mushtari Saidikova.(2)

Country of Origin: Tajikistan

Level of Study: PhD

University: University of Cambridge

Area of Study: Geography

Mushtari Saidikova is a PhD student at the Department of Geography at Cambridge University. Her PhD research focuses on atmospheric aerosols from urban and volcanically-influenced environments and their effect on human health.

Granted with AKF Scholarship, Mushtari did her BSc in Biology at Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyzstan. With the Civil Society Leadership Award and DAAD Scholarship, she did her MSc in Environmental and Resources Management at Brandenburg Technical University, Germany and the University of the West of Scotland, the UK.

Mushtari worked at the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (ATSMU) in Tajikistan as an Assistant at the Department of Biology with the basis of Genetics; later on joined the Centre for Strategic Development and Management under ATSMU, as a specialist on grants and HE projects. She has participated in numerous local and international conferences and has diverse experience in international social organisations.

Currently, Mushtari is a member of the Climate and Environmental Dynamics and Political Ecology and Conservation research groups at Cambridge University. Moreover, she is part of Cambridge Zero Postgrad Academy - an ambitious climate change initiative introduced by the University of Cambridge for a zero-carbon future on a global level.