Dr Arnaud Caiserman is a Senior Research Fellow at University of Central Asia (Khorog, Tajikistan). He has broad training in physical geography with an emphasis in spatial analysis using advance remote sensing methods and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In addition to his current research in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Dr Caiserman conducted studies on water resources management and agricultural land degradation in drylands of Iran and Lebanon. He is author or co-author on 10 scientific papers. Current research focal areas include snow avalanches long-term mapping, glacier velocity mapping in the Pamirs; snow water equivalent measurements in Tajikistan; snow line and coverage evolution in the Panj River catchment; and sediment transport in the Vakhsh River, Tajikistan. Dr Caiserman also offers occasional lectures in remote sensing and earth science at University of Central Asia.

- Caiserman, A., Sidle, R.C., Gurung, D.R., 2022. Snow Avalanche Frequency Estimation (SAFE): 32 years of monitoring remote avalanche depositional zones in high mountains of Afghanistan. The Cryosphere 16, 3295–3312.
- Sidle, R.C., Khan, A.A., Caiserman, A., Qadamov, A., Khojazoda, Z., 2023. Food security in high mountains of Central Asia: A broader perspective. BioScience 73, 347–363.
- Sidle, R.C., Caiserman, A., Jarihani, B., Khojazoda, Z., Kiesel, J., Kulikov, M., Qadamov, A., 2024. Sediment Sources, Erosion Processes, and Interactions with Climate Dynamics in the Vakhsh River Basin, Tajikistan. Water 16, 122.
- A Proposed Typology of Farming Systems for Assessing Sustainable Livelihood Development Pathways in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan by Azamat Azarov, Roy C. Sidle, Dietrich Darr, Vladimir Verner and Zbynek Polesny. Land 2024, 13(2), 126
- Snow Avalanche Frequency Estimation