Khadicha Shambetalieva graduated with honors from the philological faculty of the Kyrgyz Women's Pedagogical Institute. In 2004 she successfully completed her Ph.D. in literature. In 2020, she completed her full-time doctoral studies in journalism at the Kyrgyz National University. J. Balasagyn.
She is the author of one monograph, more than 40 publications. Her scientific articles have been published in India, Russia, Kyrgyzstan.
She has been collaborating in the Aga Khan Humanities Project since 2005, conducting trainings for teachers in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. She is the only certified regional AKHP trainer from the Kyrgyz Republic (2015)
From 2015 to April 2023, on a volunteer basis, she coordinated the development and promotion of AKHP in the Kyrgyz Republic, taking an active part in all AKHP events from the Kyrgyz Republic, including organizing and conducting FDP (workshops for teachers), CDF (cross-debate format for students).
Since 2017, Khadicha has been organizing and moderating a series of public lectures from Kyrgyzstan, inviting well-known scientists, filmmakers, architects, and researchers of the Kyrgyz Republic.