AKHP Develops Regional Postgraduate Curriculum
The University of Central Asia's (UCA) Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP) has launched a new initiative to develop the curriculum of humanities as a postgraduate programme. AKHP conducted a training workshop for University Masters teachers from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan from January 11-13. The training focused on incorporating aspects of UCA and AKHP curriculum material (texts and case studies developed by renowned scientists from three countries) into the curriculum of the postgraduate humanities programmes. The training was held at the Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of Kazakhstan’s Academy of Sciences in Almaty, and was led by two Senior AKHP Regional Trainers, Prof. Gulmira Bilyalova, and Khadicha Shambetalieva (centre, standing).
Later, on January 18, AKHP launched the Masters programme course on the History of Central Asia at the Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. Students will receive 5 course credits for completing modules on History, Environment, Economics, and the AKHP Cross Debate Format.