AKHP Trains Educators from the Region in Humanities
The Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP), a unit of UCA’s Graduate School of Development recently concluded a Refresher Training, on content knowledge and pedagogical skills, for 43 university teaching staff representing 22 academic institutions from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. The participants will serve as intellectual resource support to their respective universities.
The trainings aimed to help participants in comprehending, articulating, and effectively communicating the fundamental principles of the AKHP anthologies, including the new edition of the “Introduction to Humanities”, now translated in Tajik, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz. Participants explored the underlying intellectual perspectives, philosophy, educational approaches, key messages, and content of this and other anthologies.
In addition to the training sessions, the programme included tours to historical and contemporary sites in Dushanbe including the Tajik National Museum, the National Library, and the picturesque Varzob Valley.
AKHP training participants showcasing their certificates of completion.