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UCA Champions English Language Proficiency Among Universities in Kyrgyzstan

University of Central Asia
23 September 2024

UCA’s School of Professional and Continuing Education hosted a workshop for over 80 university leaders and senior faculty members from across Kyrgyzstan. The event, held in Bishkek in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the “Lingva” Innovation Centre, highlighted the importance of English in higher education and research, and encouraged participants to adopt innovative methods and tools in teaching English.

This initiative is part of the Ministry’s ongoing efforts to enhance English language proficiency among faculty in the country’s universities, with the goal of strengthening their participation in the global academic arena.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Mr Rasul Abazbek uulu, welcomed the participants and noted: “The English language plays a crucial role in positioning our higher education institutions on the global stage, facilitating research and development. Enhancing English proficiency among university staff is key to raising educational standards and responding to the demands of globalisation.”

Group Photo

University leaders and senior faculty who participated in the presentation session by UCA.


Tatiana Okhlopkina, English language Instructor, SPCE talking about incorporating digital tools into teaching processes

Group Work

Participants presenting their ideas developed at the workshop.