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UCA Staff Member Raises UCA Flag on Mount Fuji

University of Central Asia
6 September 2024

In a remarkable feat of endurance and determination, Myrza Karimov, Head of UCA’s Co-operative Education, proudly raised the UCA flag at the summit of Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest peak at 3,776 metres. The climb, completed on 28 August during his personal vacation, became not only a personal triumph but also a moment of pride for UCA.

Myrza’s journey was far from easy. Battling pouring rain and steep, rocky terrain, he and his companions ascended 3,000 metres before stopping at the 8th shelter station. "We were completely soaked when we reached the shelter," Myrza recalled. "We changed out of our wet clothes, had some food, and prepared ourselves for the final stretch."

The last three hours to the summit were grueling but deeply rewarding. "We pushed on through the darkness, with only the lights of other climbers guiding us. When I finally reached the top at 4:30 a.m., the sense of achievement was overwhelming. And raising the UCA flag in that moment felt incredibly special," Myrza shared.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Myrza for this accomplishment. His journey to the top of Mount Fuji serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that with courage and determination, no peak is insurmountable.

Myrza Karimov, a UCA staff member raises UCA flag on Mount Fuji.