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9 October 2017

Contextual Factors of the Conflict in Batken Province Kyrgyzstan

Author: Asel Murzakulova, Senior Research Fellow, Mountain Societies Research Institute

The report aims to provide basic information on conflict dynamics in cross-border communities of the Batken area for partner organisations implementing the project Improving Stability and Better Natural Resource Management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The project involves the Mountain Societies Development Support Programme (MSDSP) Kyrgyz Republic and MSDSP Tajikistan; the Roza Otunbaeva Initiative; the Kyrgyz Public Foundation CAMP Ala-Too and UCA. The consortium of partner organisations is led by the Aga Khan Foundation.

The research for this report was based on the premise that conflict in local communities can be attributed to contextual factors such as agricultural crisis, restricted movement of goods across borders, the militarisation of the border, migration, and problems surrounding natural resources management. These factors create certain vulnerabilities that lead to the emergence of tensions and conflict at the level of local communities.

This report was completed within the framework of the project Improving Stability and Better Natural Resource Management in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan by the University of Central Asia’s Mountain Societies Research Institute (UCA MSRI). The material has been funded by the United Kingdom (UK) Government through UK Conflict Stability Security Fund; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.

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