Supporting Energy Efficiency and Renewables Uptake in Rural Communities in Mountainous Kyrgyzstan
Central Asian mountain areas are characterized by low access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy, where many rural households strongly rely on traditional biomass such as wood and dung, or sometimes coal, for cooking and heating. Women and children traditionally do the collection of wood, crop, and animal waste, and are also strongly affected by air pollution resulting from burning biomass indoors. It also has been shown that low access to adequate forms of energy impairs development and poverty alleviation efforts. However, there are many experiences and learnings to be shared, and this policy brief is featuring best practices and recommendations for improving access to renewable and clean energy in Central Asian mountain areas.
This brief was completed within the framework of the project Sustainable Mountain Development for Global Change (SMD4GC) and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official views or opinion of the SDC.