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15 March 2020

What is the Impact of Climate on Local Communities in the Isfara River Catchment?

This research report provides insight into the historical developments of runoff of the Isfara River, as well as the influence of climatic factors. The report further analyses modern data on vegetation, runoff, precipitation and temperature to quantify their interrelation. It analyses the perception local communities have on natural resources and their dynamics. The research was conducted between February and November 2019 in the Batken province of Kyrgyzstan, within the framework of the "Reducing Conflict Over Water and Pastures in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan" project, supported by UKaid.


Dr Maksim Kulikov
University of Central Asia
Gulbara Omorova
Field Assistant, Mountain Societies Research Institute, UCA
Evgenii Shibkov
University of Central Asia