UCA Conducts Training for School Teachers
As part of an Outreach Programme at the University of Central Asia (UCA), the School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPCE) and the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS), in cooperation with the Bishkek City Education Department organised professional development training in December for over 100 school teachers from the Oktyabrsky, Sverdlovskiy and Leninsky districts of Bishkek.
One of the participants, Aelita Zholchieva, Senior Specialist at the Department of Education in Bishkek’s Municipality, remarked, "Public school teachers need support, and we are grateful to have UCA's cooperation that benefits our country's educational system. The trainer, Dr Hamid Ali Khan (Assistant Professor at SAS), had an excellent approach to meeting the needs of both experienced and new teachers."
SPCE also conducted Training for Teachers from Baytil Ayil Okmoti village in Chui Oblast with generous support from the Public Foundation for Excellence in Education. The participants were given training for English, Information Technology, and Mathematics.
“I learned new pedagogical methods throughout the five-day of training, as the trainers taught us effective ways of interacting with students. The workshops itself were an example of how to successfully deliver quality education,” said Gulbara Yisaeva, English Teacher from Kashka-Suu Secondary School.
The SPCE Learning Centre in Bishkek donated seven computers to two schools in Baytik Ayil Okmotu village – Orto Alysh and Baygeldi.