For more detailed profile:
Sunatullo Jonboboev is a senior research fellow at Cultural Heritage Humanities Unit, Graduate School of Development, University of Central Asia. He is a candidate of philosophical sciences (1988) and a graduate of the Tajik State University (1976) in journalism and Tajik philology. Sunatullo Jonboboev has also completed a postgraduate course at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences, Tajik SSR (1980–1983).
Jonboboev's research is aimed at studying the history of the intellectual heritage of Central Asia, the history of Tajik and Muslim medieval thought, as well as the role of humanities in Central Asia space. Sunatullo has served as Senior Manager of the Faculty Development Program under the Aga Khan Humanities Project (AKHP), a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, taught philosophy at the Tajik Technical University, and worked as a researcher at the Institute of Muslim Civilizations at the Aga Khan University (UK) and at the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (Germany). Currently, he is studying Eastern Peripatetics (Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, etc.), the history of natural philosophy (Ar-Razi, Abu Reykhan Biruni), poetic philosophy (Rudaki, Omar Khayyam), and the pre-Islamic ideology of Central Asia. He published several books and monographs, a dissertation devoted to “Problems of universals in Eastern peripateticism”, contributed to the three-volume “History of Tajik philosophy from ancient times to the 15th century” (in Russian language) and the five-volume "History of Tajik Philosophy until the 20th century" (in Tajik language). He is the author of the monograph "The Epistemology of Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna)", dozen articles on the epistemology of education in Central Asia, the history of scientific and philosophical thought of the Tajiks.

- Jonboboev S. Philosophy of Nature of Abu Ali ibn Sina: Analysis of the Concept of Movement, Space and Time.Cultural Heritage and Humanities Unit’s Research 2023. Paper #18. 44 p.
- Jonboboev S. Philosophical and Cultural Synthesis between Muslims and Christians in the early Middle Ages (VIII-X centuries). Eriugena, al-Kindi and al-Farabi. UCA CHHU Research Paper”.# 17.2022.
- Jonboboev S. Epistemologie of Ibn Sina: on The Movement of Thought From Illusion to Truth / Ed.: L. Tarasov. – B.: University of Central Asia, 2020. – 200 p.(in Russian)
- Jonboboev S. Central Asia Today: Countries, Neighbors, and the Region Paperback – 16 Jun. 2014. English edition by Sunatullo Jonboboev (Herausgeber),etc.2014, Gessen University. Germany. 448 pages.
- Jonboboev S.- Geography, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage in Interplay in the context of the Tajik Pamiri Identity, article in: "Identity, History and Trans-Nationality in Central Asia Mountain Communities of Pamir"- pages 11-22; Routledge
- Jonboboev S. “Humanities in Transition: Liberation of Knowledge in Central Asia. The Possible impact of EU. Giessen University
- Philosophy of Nature of Abu Ali ibn Sina: Analysis of the Concept of Movement, Space and Time
- Epistemology of Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna): The Dynamics of Thought from Illusion towards Truth