For the last 15 years, Dr Vitalii Zaginaev has been researching dangerous exogenous geological processes, such as debris flows, landslides, rockfalls, avalanches, etc. in the Kyrgyz Republic, including the northern and southern regions of the republic. Since 2008, he has been researching potential hazardous high mountain lakes (GLOF). In 2016, he defended his thesis on the topic “Dynamics of debris flows of the Northern Tien Shan”, where one of the chapters was devoted to the reconstruction of past debris flows using the dendrochronological method, in close cooperation with the University of Bern, Switzerland.
From 2019 to 2020, Dr Vitalii Zaginaev continued his scientific career at Charles University, Prague, as a postdoc, where he worked under the guidance of Professor Bogumir Jansky on the study of the formation and development of high mountain lakes in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Since 2021, he began working in the civil service in the Department of Monitoring and Forecasting of Emergency Situations under Ministry of Emergencies Situations as the head of the Analysis and Forecasting Division. He has scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals, one monograph on “Potential Hazardous Lakes of the Kyrgyz Republic”. Dr Vitalii Zaginaev is a member of the International Mudflow Association, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

- Monitoring the Development of Potential Hazardous Mountain Lakes Using Remote Sensing in the Kyrgyz Republic (co-author)
- Localised multi-hazard risk assessment in Kyrgyz Republic (co-authored)
- Cantera, I., Carteron, A., Guerrieri, A., Marta, S., Bonin, A., Ambrosini, R., et al. (2024). The importance of species addition ‘versus’ replacement varies over succession in plant communities after glacier retreat. NATURE PLANTS, 10(2), 256-267 [10.1038/s41477-023-01609-4]
- Guerrieri, A., Cantera, I., Marta, S., Bonin, A., Carteron, Zaginaev V. … Ficetola, G. F. (2023). Local climate modulates the development of soil nematode communities after glacier retreat. Global Change Biology, 30, e17057.
- Isaev, E.; Ermanova, M.; Sidle, R.C.; Zaginaev, V.; Kulikov, M.; Chontoev, D. Reconstruction of Hydrometeorological Data Using Dendrochronology and Machine Learning Approaches to Bias-Correct Climate Models in Northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan. Water 2022, 14, 2297.
- Zaginaev, V., et al. "Geomorphic control on regional glacier lake outburst flood and debris flow activity over northern Tien Shan." Global and Planetary Change 176 (2019): 50-59.
- Marta, S.; Azzoni, R.S.; Fugazza, D.; Tielidze, L.; Chand, P.; Sieron, K.; Almond, P.; Ambrosini, R.; Anthelme, F.; Alviz Gazitúa, P.; Zaginaev V.V. et al. The Retreat of Mountain Glaciers since the Little Ice Age: A Spatially Explicit Database. Data 2021, 6, 107.
- Zaginaev, V.; Falatkova, K.; Jansky, B.; Sobr, M.; Erokhin, S. Development of a Potentially Hazardous Pro-Glacial Lake in Aksay Valley, Kyrgyz Range, Northern Tien Shan. Hydrology 2019, 6, 3.
- Erokhin, S.A., Zaginaev, V.V., Meleshko, A.A. et al. Debris flows triggered from non-stationary glacier lake outbursts: the case of the Teztor Lake complex (Northern Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan). Landslides 15, 83–98 (2018).
- Zaginaev V., Ballesteros-Cánovas J.A., Erokhin S., Matov E., Petrakov D., Stoffel M.. Reconstruction of glacial lake outburst floods in northern Tien Shan: Implications for hazard assessment, Geomorphology, Volume 269, 2016, Pages 75-84, ISSN 0169-555X