Gulsha Jumakhonov graduated from the Khorog State University with a degree in economics and accountancy. His career began in 1999 as a teacher in various economic disciplines at secondary and technical schools in the region, including the Aga Khan Lyceum and the Technical Lyceum in Khorog. In 2000, Gulsha was appointed as an assistant in the Department of Economics at Khorog State University, where he worked until 2005. During this time, he also served as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and taught various economic disciplines.
As head of the Department of Economics, he was responsible for the research and methodological work of teachers and students, as well as ensuring quality control of the educational process within the faculty.
Gulsha joined UCA in 2006 as an instructor in the International Accounting Technology Programme and actively participated in the training of trainers for similar programmes at UCA SPCE's Afghanistan Learning Centres.
Since October 2015, he has been working as an instructor for the Small and Medium Business Management with Mini Technology programme at SPCE Khorog. Currently, he coordinates the activities of SPCE's Khorog Centre for Entrepreneurship.
Gulsha received a master's degree in Management in 2015 from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University of the Kyrgyz Republic and the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. He completed a training course for the Associations of Professional Accountants of Kyrgyzstan and the Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Tajikistan, and is a member of both associations.