UCA and Kyrgyz Government to Conduct Research on Climate Change
Since its establishment in 2011, the Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI) of the University of Central Asia (UCA) has been at the forefront of scientific research to study complex earth surface and environmental processes that affect mountain communities. To further enhance this mission, MSRI signed three Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) on 12 November 2021 with the Government of Kyrgyzstan to collaborate on crucial scientific questions in the fields of global warming and climate change, disaster risk reduction, air pollution/quality, glacier observation, water security, energy, sustainable development, and providing society with sound information for decision making through data integration, synthesis. scenario analysis, modelling, and other tools of development.
“This collaboration will establish a long-term partnership which will support MSRI to further address its mandate of conducting research focusing on improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, mitigating the effects of natural hazards and climate change, and building community resilience in Kyrgyzstan,” said Dr Roy Sidle, Director of MSRI.
The MoUs signed between the University of Central Asia, Tien Shan High Mountain Scientific Centre of the Institute of Water Problems and Hydropower National Academy of Sciences (TSHMSC), Agency on Hydrometeorology of the State Committee on Ecology and Climate (Kyrgyzhydromet), and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES KR), recognize and declare the need to work towards disaster risk reduction, climate change impacts, water management and glaciers degradation.
The University of Central Asia and the institutions of Kyrgyz Government also plan to conduct joint research activities, exchange of staff and mutual involvement in outreach activities.
“We are looking forward to this partnership with the University of Central Asia as it will support the capacity development of staff in our ministries and departments, and provide a platform for knowledge and data sharing. We are also planning for deeper collaboration on developing science-based projects and interventions related to climate change, and disaster risk reduction in Kyrgyzstan,” said Dr Shamirkanov Urmatbek Muslinovich, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.