UCA Celebrates 35th Anniversary of UNESCO Silk Roads Programme
At UNESCO’s invitation, the University of Central Asia participated in the 35th anniversary celebrations of the Silk Roads Programme - an initiative of UNESCO launched to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Silk Roads. The event brought together global experts to discuss the cultural, economic, and social significance of the ancient Silk Roads.
Dr Aizharkyn Kozhobekova, Director of UCA’s Civil Society Initiative, and Aibek Baiymbetov, Research Fellow at UCA’s Cultural Heritage and Humanities Unit represented UCA at the event.
As a recipient of UNESCO’s “Silk Roads Youth Research Grant”, Aibek Bayimbetov presented his findings from the study on religious syncretism in the culture of the mountain communities of the Pamirs and Tien Shan. Dr Aizharkyn Kozhobekova, who has represented Kyrgyzstan in the International Network of Focal Points for the Silk Roads Programme and served as a member of the Scientific Panel for the Silk Roads Youth Research Grant, underlined that cultural research should adopt a more ecosystem-based approach that would contribute to sustainable development and respond to issues of climate change, gender inequality, and cultural dominance. She also stressed the importance of diversifying knowledge products and disseminating research findings to supporters of cross-cultural dialogue and to marginalised communities.
Dr Aizharkyn Kozhobekova (second from right) engaging in panel discussions of the UNESCO Scientific Symposium
Dr Aizharkyn Kozhobekova (first from left) and Aibek Bayimbetov (second from right) with panelists of the UNESCO Scientific Symposium