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Aga Khan Humanities Project
11 May 2024

Call for Papers - the 4th Aga Khan Humanities Project Annual International Conference

Aga Khan Humanities Project
11 May 2024

Call for Papers: Teaching and Learning Humanities in Central Asian Contexts: Environmental Aspects

23 November 2024, Online/and In-Person (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

The global environmental issues we face today are the inevitable consequences of our practices and actions that need to be changed in order to prevent further ecological disasters. The subjects of humanities, which study human values, choices and motivations, can help promote environmental behavior. Therefore, the purpose of conference is to bring together a series of environmental case studies reflecting various aspects of humanities in Central Asia and beyond in order to come up with a conceptual map for further development of educational materials for students on key environmental issues in Central Asia.

Оverall themes of the conference include but not limited to:

  1. Environmental humanities
  2. The role of language, narrative, ethics and imagination in guiding our environmental choices
  3. Ecology and humanities in Central Asian educational discourse
  4. Digital Technologies/Artificial Intelligence and ecology
  5. Culture, History, Economics, and Ecology

Please send an abstract of 300 words and a brief CV to Professor Pulat Shozimov, Senior Research Fellow, AKHP []. Full papers sent by the due date will be considered for publication by the University of Central Asia

Languages: Russian and English

Format: Online/In-Person
Conference Dates: 23 November 2024
Final Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 October 2024
Results of abstract review returned to authors: Generally, within two weeks
Full conference paper submission (after the event): 10 December 2024

Contact: Professor Pulat Shozimov –