UCA Celebrates the 95th Anniversary of Kyrgyz Literary Legend - Chyngyz Aitmatov
On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the legendary Kyrgyz author, Chyngyz Aitmatov, The University of Central Asia hosted a week-long series of events in Naryn to highlight and honour Aitmatov’s profound literary and cultural contributions. Several of the events were held in collaboration with Naryn State University (NSU), public schools in Naryn and the local Naryn drama theatre.
The festivities included engaging book club sessions at UCA’s School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) campus in Naryn. UCA faculty member and filmmaker, Nursultan Stanaliev, delivered a session on the adaptation of Aitmatov’s works in Kyrgyz cinema. A significant moment of the celebration was the inauguration of the Chyngyz Aitmatov Corner at the SAS Library, providing students and researchers with access to a comprehensive collection of his works. The celebration welcomed main actors from Aitmatov's renowned works and featured a thought-provoking panel discussion that explored the enduring relevance of Aitmatov's works and its impact on contemporary literature and society.
Trivia and entertainment evenings at the SAS Naryn campus allowed participants to test their knowledge of Aitmatov's life and works. One of the evenings provided a multifaceted exploration of the writer’s literary legacy through various artistic disciplines, including world literature and poetry, dramaturgy, music and choreography, painting and sculpturing, and world languages. The celebration reached new artistic heights with an innovative and mesmerising performance of Aitmatov’s literary masterpieces by “Salt Peanuts”, the renowned Kyrgyz jazz band.
The Art Faculty at NSU collaborated with students from UCA, NSU, and local schools to create artworks dedicated to the writer. The celebrations concluded with an event in the Naryn Drama Theater with stage captivating performances based on Aitmatov's iconic story of “Jamilia”. The event was followed by musical performances celebrating Aitmatov's legacy through songs inspired by his writings.