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AKHP Debate Club

The AKHP Debate Club was launched in 2012 as an initiative by Humanities in English (HiE) students and alumni in Dushanbe. It expanded to various institutions across the region through the efforts of network instructors and students. The organisational core of this voluntary effort is built by HiE graduates in Dushanbe. Since 2012, 980 students have participated in the debates (50% from Tajikistan, 37% from Kazakhstan, and 15% from Kyrgyzstan). AKHP supports the programme by organising training session tournaments.

The Debate Club offers participants the opportunity to deploy rational, reasoned arguments and effective speech composition and delivery. AKHP’s approach to debate differs from the usual formats as it employs the classical debate format, where teams get a chance to address the issue in three different ways.

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