Expert Workshop: Developing Agricultural Value Chains in Central Asia: Best Practices and Open Questions
UCA’s Graduate School of Development in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and SDGnexus Network based at Justus Liebig University Giessen hosted the Expert Workshop on Developing Agricultural Value Chains in Central Asia: Best Practices and Open Questions.
“Enhancing the integration of farmers into value chains has become a global priority in recent years, and this workshop serves as a pivotal platform for sharing experiences and gathering best practices from ongoing research and technical assistance projects in Kyrgyzstan”, stresses Professor Martin Petrick of Justus Liebig University Giessen, one of the co-organisers.
These experiences will be discussed within both regional and global contexts. The workshop places a strong emphasis on the socio-economic aspects of technology adoption, management upgrading, and up- and downstream integration. Experts and stakeholders from academia, policy, and the donor community are cordially invited to attend.
Kaethe Brakhan, Manager of GIZ Integrated Rural Development Programme:
“Since the agriculture in the Southern oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic is characterized by low productivity and small farms, our Integrated Rural Development Project co-funded by the German Government and the European Union, is working in these oblasts to support better income generation in agricultural value chains. Also, together with other projects, implemented by GIZ, we help to introduce GAP, innovations like new technologies and higher quality input, and climate sensitive approaches in smart agriculture”.
Expert presentations will cover topics such as adapting and improving wheat value chain development, integrating green technologies in rice cultivation, exploring animal husbandry in Central Asia through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals, introducing Hydroponic Fodder Production in Osh province, examining innovations in the development of a sustainable agri-food system in the Kyrgyz Republic, and much more. The workshop will conclude with reflections on research opportunities in smart agriculture for Central Asia. This event offers a unique opportunity to engage with experts, gain insights, and contribute to the advancement of agricultural value chains in the region.
“Improving incomes and livelihoods across Central Asia’s mountainous communities lies at the heart of the Graduate School of Development’s mission here at UCA. Agriculture is critical since it accounts for a sixth of Kyrgyz GDP and rural areas are dependent on it. For the farmer, participating in value chains results in higher profit and the accumulation of assets while, for the sector, the economic value of agricultural produce is multiplied by strong, efficient and sustainable product value chains. This workshop explores practically – and through evidence-based research – how to harness these benefits for Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. In doing so, it underscores the pivotal role that academia plays in shaping regional development”, - commented Professor Christopher Gerry, the Dean of UCA’s Graduate School of Development.